Carnival Triumph Ship

Our Room

On the ship

Captian's Diner
(Taylor, Eddie, Cookie, Jay, Tammy)


Other dinners
(Jessie, Kelly, Taylor, Bev, Tina... Waiters Gus and ?)

Tammy doing the dinner dance with the waiter

Cozumel (First time. we went twice)
(The "Carnival Triumph" on the right and it's sister ship, the "Carnival Freedom", on the left. We were on the Triumph)
(The "Grandeur of the Seas" was on our other side. Cookie and Eddie at a restaurant)

(Eddie and Cookie and Eddie and Andi in front of our ship)

Roatan, Honduras
Our favorite port
(Mahogany Bay pictures from our balcony and Andi sitting on our balcony)


(Eddie and Taylor in a gift shop. Gorgeous beaches. Eddie and Cookie on West Bay beach)

(Eddie and Cookie at the highest point on the island...... Island houses... all houses are built in the forrest. They don't cut any trees down for subdivisions.)

(In the monkey enclosure)

(Now there's 2 of the little monsters! They really wanted my hat. They were pretty good for Eddie until they both wanted his attention and started fighting)

Costa Maya
(We were supposed to go to Belize, but the hurrican wipped it out so we tried to dock here, but the sea was too rough from the hurricane)


Back to Cozumel for the second time
(Eddie on our balcony with 2 other ships in port. The Carvinal ship next to us is the "Carnival Ecstacy". Shops and weird stuff)


The San Gervasio Mayan site.


Taylor  snorkling
Taylor, Dustin and Dalton snorkling

Leaving Cozumel
(Andi, Eddie, & Cookie.....  Tina, Andi & Taylor.....  Cookie and Eddie on the back of the boat)


(We docked in New Orleans at 6 am. This is the Mississippi River bridge from our balcony. It connects New Orleans to Algiers)

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